Secondary school prefects conference 2022.(SSPC 2022) held on 12th of October 2022, at Lagos State Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
The Prefects of Whitehall College took the lead.
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”. Oliver Wendell Holmes
These words of this great philosopher best describes the experience of the prefects of the school as they join their counterparts from various international schools in an interactive sessions.
This is a platform of indescribable value as it affords the prefects the opportunity to be exposed to global ethos and values expected of students occupying such status .In the same vein it creates an enabling environment to build a budding relationship which may later metamorphose in to strategic partnerships- with far reaching benefits.
In consonance with the theme of this programme ‘Becoming an agent of change’ more han ever before our prefects are poised to truly demonstrate that they are agents of change.
Good luck!