As a parent, it is pivotal for you to know that you play a gigantic role. Many do not know that the role of parents in their children’s education defines the course of how successfully the children will be academically and it plays a germane role in shaping the children’s future.

Certainly, the words of the great Spanish-American philosopher, George Santayana that ‘a child who is only educated at school is an uneducated child’ is very apt and accurate and as such, it is crucial for you as a parent to know that the role you play in educating your child is very important .

In fact, research has shown that the more intensively parents are involved in their children’s learning, the more beneficial are the achievement’s effects. Thus in this article, we will be discussing the way in which you as a parent can play an effective role in your child’s education, putting in mind the knowledge that each parent’s schedule are worlds apart, we will attempt to give a more general and feasible approach.

The Importance of the Role of Parents in their Children’s Education.

It is trite that most children consciously or subconsciously make their parents a role model, this brings to fruition the thoughts of James Baldwin, the American writer and civil rights activist when he posited that, ‘Children may have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them…’.

For this reason, it is pertinent to note that your actions and inactions as a parent serves as a template for your child to follow. As established earlier, education is not limited to the four walls of the class room and for this reason, even to the littlest etiquette, you must make sure that your child inculcates the best values.

It is this education coupled with the formal education been given at school that synergizes and builds the child into a respectable and valuable individual in the society.

How to Effectively Play your Role as a Parent in your Child’s Education

There are a thousand and one ways that you can play a crucial role in your child’s education, but only the few most important ones will be listed, these roles have proven times without number to be effective and have contributed greatly to the lives of the ward.

1. Be a good role model to follow: the saying ‘action speaks louder than words’ is very veracious, as children are more inclined to replicate your action as a parent than listen to what you say. This is why it would be disadvantageous if as a parent, one is acting contrary to the instructions he is giving his child.

As a parent, you should be sure to inculcate the right values and societal etiquette to pass on to your children. Similarly, your way of interacting with your children shapes their emotional and social quotient. Perhaps this is where the idea that ‘an apple does not fall far from the tree’ originated as your children are most likely to exude the mannerisms shown to them by their parents.

Thus, as a parent, ensure to instill in your kids the right values by living out these values yourself.

2. Aid the Child in schoolwork: It is no news that students will be saddled with tasks like school assignments and projects and though they may not be too much for them to handle, assisting them in performing these projects increase their ecstasy and attitude to work.

If you have been having troubles getting your children to do their assignments on time or even at all, it could be because you have not been assisting them.

The goal is not to do the assignments for them, but to assist them and guide them in doing it, this will help them balance their work and play time.

3. Help to create a conducive learning environment: It is pertinent as a parent that you ensure your home is always filled with love, peace and tranquility. A toxic environment is never a good place to study.

When you are positive, encouraging and morally supportive even when your child does not perform very well will go a long way in helping the child get back on their feet and continue to give their best.

Always be open to answer any question your child may have and if you must chastise them, do so lovingly.

4. Have a good rapport with your ward’s teacher: Finally, and definitely not of less importance is having a good relationship with your child’s teachers. Don’t forget that ensuring the educational wellbeing of the child is a team effort and as such you are their teachers should work hand in hand to do so.


As much as these are not a water-tight dos and don’ts on how to effectively play your part in your child’s education, I believe that following these guideline will go a long way in helping you build one of the most important aspect of your child’s life; their education.