Welcome Back to School.

We love to use this medium to welcome all members of the Universal Whitehall College family back to a novel term.

Breaks and holidays are expedient, especially for budding professionals like our students who understand the value of hard work, resilience, and inculcating positive societal values.

We hope you sincerely enjoyed your break and, we hope you utilized this break to get indispensable knowledge that will indubitably place you above your contemporaries.

Last term was filled with many activities including the annual inter-house sports and we are sure you had fun, however, this new term promises to be engaging and saturated with a learning ambience. You will learn didacticism, sociability, technical skills, talent development, and success-driven values.

These nuggets put together will unleash your potential and build you into the best version of yourself. However, be rest assured that these values will be communicated to you in a fun, yet serene environment.

You are equally expected as a student to study hard, brace yourself and pay attention to classes in view of your forthcoming promotional examinations, you are not to indulge in laxity and indolence but instead be hardworking and give it your best.

 With warm regards, we equally welcome our indefatigable parents who have gone out of their way to help us in the smooth running of this organization.

Still, we implore our dear parents to deliberately and persistently involve themselves in your kid(s)’s educational success.

Bob Keeshan rightly puts in when he said “Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, every movement, and action affects. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than a parent”.

As an educational institute, we are ever committed to imparting positive values and molding the students, but the feasibility or otherwise of this is entirely up to the parents.

Your relentless support is indispensable to the educational advancement of your ward, and this support encompasses co-operation with the school’s policy, provision and any equipment that will aid their education and maintaining standards set by the school even within the walls of your homes.

Doing this expedites the desired height we want the kids to attain.

Once again, welcome back to school.